Metro Transit Court

Welcome to the Transit Court Self Service Portal

This portal allows you to pay, contest, and track the status of your violation.

To pay or contest your transit or parking violation online, please follow these directions:

  1. Select either Violation Number, License Plate Number, or Installment Payment Plan (IPP) Number.
  2. Enter the information in the box provided.
  3. Include the letter T or P if entering your violation number.
  4. The license plate number is in reference to the vehicle cited.
  5. The IPP number is located on the bottom of your Installment Payment Plan Enrollment Form.
Please Note:

  1. Search by license plate number for potential Metro Parking violations.
  2. Violations may not be immediately accessible on the portal and may take up to a week to update.

Contact Us

Metro Transit Court at 213.92COURT (213.922.6878)

Monday to Friday of 8am to 4pm Pacific Time

or visit Metro Transit Court.